Family Assistant helping with cookingOne of the things we love about being in business for nearly 20 years is that we have seen the household staffing industry evolve a great deal. As children grow up, families needs change, and we have recently seen the emergence of a new position: Family Assistant. This position helps parents manage their household workload, and is a hybrid of some of our other positions: personal assistant, driver, cook, and housekeeper. In short, Family Assistants jump in and assist wherever help is needed, and look for opportunities to keep the household and family’s lives running smoothly.

Family Assistant helping with groceriesThe core of any Mom’s Best Friend candidate is that they are friendly, service-hearted, proactive, positive and flexible. This position is no exception, but in addition we look for candidates who are:

  • multi-taskers with good time management skills
  • organized
  • creative
  • possess strong homemaking skills
  • great with children (though they are often older)

Here are some recent Family Assistant positions we have placed:

Family 1

  • grocery shopping
  • prepare healthy, fresh dinners (someone who enjoys cooking)
  • do family laundry
  • take dog on walk
  • running errands
Family 2

  • strong technology/administrative skills
  • driving (appointments with mom + various driving for the children)
  • assist children with homework and projects
  • travel with family
  • running errands
Family 3

  • organization and de-cluttering
  • help mom with cleaning and chores (laundry, dishes, etc.)
  • assist mom with cooking
  • driving kids
  • running errands

If you are interested in starting a Family Assistant search, contact your Long Term Placement Director for your city: